Wednesday, October 28, 2009

mid term break and a new house...

This is my lovely student art work...we have had such fun over the last 12 weeks (with no break!) but I am so glad we have a week and a half off! We are all looking forward to lying in a little tomorrow and having pancakes for breakfast. mmm!
We picked up the keys for the house today...all 24 of them. There are three padlocks and one lock to open the front door and each bedroom has a "front door style" door with a deadlock. It is because these houses often house several families and it is quite strange to the Khmer that we are going to occupy the whole thing ourselves. Children do not have their own room here!
these pictures were taken quickly and do not show the whole house but I thought it would be nice to see the empty space before we fill it!!! lol! It does need a good clean and although this does not look that bright it is actually brighter than you think.

This is the main living area which enters onto a small drive and the road...on a nice quiet street.

Kitchen is an extra room built on the back...might be a bit hot but the door opens onto a courtyard (small)

This is the top bedroom which has windows both sides and is the access to the roof garden.

Roof garden potential space!!! I have lots of plans just give me some time... you could give me some good ideas it is long and narrow but you could make it really nice

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