Monday, February 4, 2008

{New Things Today}

* Walked to the Supermarket and only had one person as me if I needed a Taxi....people just dont walk here they hop on their moto (small motor bike ) and drive. So if they see someone walking especially a madang (foreign person) there is a trail of people shouting moto you want mote. I think they have got the message that I like to walk!!

* Got well and truly stuck in a traffic jam! It was completely gridlocked. All the roads in Phnom Penh are in a grid so there are LOADs of cross rads. The big ones have traffic lights which most people pay attention to but all the rest every one just drives across even if something is coming the other way. Today everyone had just driven across the cross road and got totally stuck. Even the motos had trouble getting through. Finally someone moved and it all shifted.

* Saw about twenty people standing in a line along the road holing what looked like bare trees...thought this was a bit strange until I realised that they were blossom trees. All the chinese celebrate chinese new year by decorating a blossom tree..bit like our christmas tree vendors along the roads.

* found an ice lolly shop...its taken a week!!

* Saw loads of red chinese lanterns

* Found that not every thing which the guide book said was there was actually restuarant we were searching for turned out to have been demolished an a hole was left where it should have been!! Then a play area which was supposed to be at a supermarket... wasnt a play area....but when we drove away and looked was actually ousde on ther other side of the building!! Such is live in Cambodia very unpredictable!!

I will get Colin to post some pictures tomorrow as it is late and we are getting up early to visit the Royal Palace tomorrow!

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