Sunday, February 10, 2008


Yesterday Rachel, Phoebe, Jamie and Aunty Kath went on a Khumer cooking course. We decided to do the half day so we learnt to cook 2 dishes. The first one was a started called bannana flower sausages. This involved beating the spices in a morter which Phoebe and jamie enjoyed and then more bashing to make the meat into a kind of mince. It tasted gorgeous.

The next dish was Fish Amok which is the traditional dish of Cambodia. We had to make little banana leave bowls to steam our food in. when it was cooked we ate it on a covered terrace by the very peaceful Mekong River. *Delightful*

The rest of the day was taken up with packing...Colin took the children to Pencil which is a local play area. After about an hour and a half I had a phonecall to say Ewan had cut his head (last week Jamie had cut his head on the bedside table) But thanks to Liz Teo I had learnt the trick of instant stitching using their hair.. and of course in case anyone is worried lots of antiseptic cleansing! So both boys have had their heads patched. Im sure there is an A&E but there are some you just dont go to ... makes me grateful for my GP and Frimley A&E.

Tomorrow we are up early and off to the beach to see another part of Cambodia and to have a bit of a rest after such a busy two weeks.



ruthless said...

Hi all, sounds like you are all having a great time! The Children are also learning loads by the sound of it! Hope Ewan's head soon gets better. Look forward to more Saunders news soon.Take care,
Love Ruth xx.

Anonymous said...

HI guys - am sitting here with Liz Teo and we laughed when we read your message about stitching with hair, althuogh I am very sorry to hear about the children both cutting their heads open. We really miss you all and it's wonderful to read your news and see such beautiful pictures. What a wonderful expereince yopu must be having. Lots of love Nessa

Anonymous said...

hi my lovely friends!!!! nice to read about your cooking and looking forward to eating it when you come home and invite us round!!! WE have had a very nice day today it was so warm and we went to wyndhams pond with a picnic where we really were just in t shirts.
essie off to her school trip tomorrow, ufton court.
glad you knew how to keep the boys out of a and e....... glad i am of use!!!!!
I am wondering how church went today, if it was a bit calmer for you than last week which i know was stressful.
We are missing you here.... me lots better, will email you tomorrow when i have3 space to breath..... love Liz xxxxx

John F said...

Hi Colin and Rachel
Enjoyed reading your update. We are off to the prayer meeting shortly and we will be praying for you. The food you have been preparing sounds yummy!
We had a great time in Malawi and will catch up with you when you get back.
God bless
John and Gill XXX