Sunday, November 6, 2011

Busy Week!

Jamie doing Ewan's betime story!
 Last weekend we moved house which was quite hectic. I had a day off work and Colin took time off too. It took rather a lot of trips back and forth with the "moving" van due to all my pot plants on the roof!!! Colin said the removal men just put the pots on their shoulder and walked down four flights of stairs!
Once in our house it was the lovely task of unpacking which a week later is still slowly happening. We will get there eventually! We keep stopping and saying how amazing this house is. It is quiet, enjoyable to live in and near so many people we know. We feel so amazingly blessed. 
Upstairs lounge
Lots of boxes in the dining room!!!
Playing on the veranda
This weekend was very busy we had a Soiree "Shakespeare Under the Stars" at school to raise money for the library. It was packed and really good fun.....I was face painting so I enjoyed myself!
Then this morning was really exciting because today at church three people were baptised. They are all people we have got to know over our last two years hear so is was really lovely to see them making this step in their faith. It was also funny seeing our paddling pool put to a different use! Please pray for these three people as life is not always easy and they will face many difficulties but they know the God who loves them and has their lives in his hands.

Lunch afterwards...yum!

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