Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pchum Ben Holiday....

At Kool Tea on St 63 Phnom Penh
After 7 weeks of the busiest start to term I've had so far, we were all ready for a rest. We decided not to go away as this holiday period, Pchum Ben, sees most of the city emptying to travel to to the countryside so the city is deserted. We decided we needed to have some good family time doing some treat things and just spending time together. Also it is often hard to spend time with each child on their own so we are going to let each child choose something they would like to do with either mum or dad.
Ewan had heard me describing this cafe called Kool Tea and he decided he wanted to go and have "bubble tea" and sketch at Kool Tea with me. We had a lovely cool (aircon!) chilled out time sketching, playing darts and drinking bubble tea (Grape flavour for Ewan and Passion fruit for me) and we also sneaked a plate of chips onto our order. Kool Tea also has carpet which is a novelty in Cambodia.
For those who have not ever had bubble tea it is a sweet cold drink made out of a mild tea, lots of milk, ice and tapioca pearls or strands hence the bubble and flavouring. It is very delicious and refreshing even though I am not a "sweet drink" person. But most importantly it was lovey just having time to chat and listen to Ewan and watch him drawing in such detail.
The funniest part was the random cushion covers... a mixture of Christmas material, silk swirls and nautical!

Grape Bubble Tea...except he didn't like the "bubbles"

The finished drawing

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