Saturday, February 6, 2010

mango lassi

It is funny how you take things for granted. I have discovered several things which I can't get here in PhnomPenh or I can get them but they are expensive!
Plain yogurt is one of them. I can get plain yogurt but it is full of sugar yukk!! There is plain yogurt but it is $1.50 and a 15min drive for a small tub.....not practical! I use yogurt for so many things...dressings, on cereal (have to make the muesli too!) it is good for stomach upsets, smoothies, Indian curry accompaniment, healthy desserts etc....

I had brought with me a thermos yogurt maker....mmmm but not the instructions or a thermometer! So after a quick look on the Internet (thank you God for Internet!!! ) I found a method but I still needed a thermometer. You have to slowly bring milk to just under the boil and hold it at that point for about 1/2 hour. Then bring it down to 140 degrees. After a bit of maths (Colin) we worked out that the right temp is if I can quickly put my finger in and it is not too hot. The secret is to have it warm enough so the good bacteria can breed, if the milk is too hot they will be killed. it works a little bit like yeast. The bacteria multiply and cause the milk to thicken and sour slightly.
Then I add "live" yogurt to start it off and a bit of gelatin (that's how they make yogurt thick!!!) put it in the thermos for 4 hours on the side then refrigerate.
Well after 3 attempts I think I have got a successful batch yey!!!

So we decided to make lassi.....a fruit yogurt drink yum!! The children made clementine+ honey and I made mango. It was fun for the children to make a healthy drink with fresh yogurt and fruit!


christina mckenzie said...

It really is no wonder you're so slim with all the healthy yoghurt breakfast dishes. They use gelatin in yoghurt? I won't tell George, she's strict veggie!

Liz Teo x said...

So nice to look at your everyday life and smell the lassie!!!!! are so ingenious.
I think your roof terrace would make an excellent skittles ally.....or cartwheel practice area, or a place for Colin to stand and scream :)!!!!!!!