Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Independence Day

This evening I went down to the river front with some of the girls from my Bible study group to watch the fireworks that always mark Independence Day. I was going to take the children but Ewan was not well. When we arrive I was glad as it was heaving...there were people and cars and policemen everywhere. Where there are people there are food carts, balloon sellers and beggars.
All the important buildings were decked out with lights and there were very tasteful lights over the road. It reminded us all of the Christmas light being turned on.
Royal Palace Gate
We managed to cross the road which was a steady stream of traffic...all of us have been here long enough to know if you stand at the side of the road you will never get across. So we just walked out and the traffic slowly flowed around us!
On the other side there were a few less people and it was right opposite where the fireworks were being set off.
It was nice to see whole families out enjoying themselves and to hear the sound of enjoyment when the fireworks started....especially from the little boy in front of us. It is funny that the oohs and aaahs are the same in what ever language you speak.

Afterwards we went to the Blue Pumpkin for some food ...the raspberry and dark chocolate combo for ice cream was so yummy.

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